Send money internationally

Comun is an online banking service for latinos. This was a feature for users to send money abroad to their family at home. It was a flagship feature that would carry us into Series A.



Mobile App

Mobile App


Capturing revenue from existing behavior

We needed to start with a single country, whereas our competitors had multiple countries

Improving retention

We needed to start with a single country, whereas our competitors had multiple countries

60% users want this

From a product survey that we sent out to our users

Users are already doing this

This was an activity that happened with our user base, but with external vendors

$98 per user per year

If users send remittances from within the platform, then we can make up to $98 per user per year


Feature scoping

Determined the feature flags for the v1 with the understandings of the complexity of the project

Vendor and internal collaboration

Worked directly with technical vendor, backend engineers, and parsed through the API docs to think through the user flow

Market analysis

Did a “teardown” ux and product analysis of all relevant competitor products


Designed the user experience and individual UIs

My market analysis

Reviewed 12 remittance products that our target users have transferred money through

Feature scoping

Feature scoping

Wrote the PRD for the feature flags in v1. This was reviewed with the wider team for feedback.

Feedback Tracking

Feedback Tracking

As part of the design process, the first pass of the design was shared with the wider team for feedback.


Limited launch

We needed to start with a single country, whereas our competitors had multiple countries

Lack of vendor clarity

The API doc was outdated and we needed to simulate transfers to clarify missing pieces, which came up once the user flow was designed in higher fidelity

User trust

Users need to feel well informed and safe about the process of their money transfer

Revenue vs Retention

Finding a balance between having financially incentivizing users to use our product and not setting expectations for the price point

First time users

The first time users enter the flow, they need to enter basic information for the transfer. The design integrates this experience into the transfer to simplify the experience.

Returning users — streamlined flow

Once users have already created their first transfer, their contacts are stored inside the product and can be used for the future. This simplifies the transfer.

Increasing user trust

In different parts of the flow. we added highlights and communication to make sure that users are inputting the right information and have the right expectations.


This feature is still under build, and should be live by March 2024.

The biggest learning from this project is the limitations of an API and how much communication is needed to understand the infrastructure of the backend.