First Amazing Match

Lunchclub is an online networking product that matches professionals who are in similar fields for virtual introduction meetings. This feature was designed for users to meet someone immediately after they onboard the product, so that they can experience the magic of Lunchclub without waiting.

Lunchclub is an online networking product that matches professionals who are in similar fields for virtual introduction meetings. This feature was designed for users to meet someone immediately after they onboard the product, so that they can experience the magic of Lunchclub without waiting.



Mobile App

Mobile App

Desktop Web

Desktop Web


80% users are signed up but not activated. We can improve user activation rate by giving them immediate value after they sign up


Spec'd project with CTO and project lead engineer for growth

Spec'd, conducted, and reviewed user research with Head of UXR

Worked with 1 FE and lead engineer for build and review

Designed from idea conception to launch


No data-labeling

We don't have as much time to data-label our users to get them the right matches, so the users' matches would be lower quality

Worse match quality

Since there are less people signed up, the likelihood that people will meet someone they're not as interested in is higher

Longer onboarding flow

We're going to have to make up for the lack of data-labeling with more questions during the onboarding flow

Original flow

In the original flow, the user signs up with their location, interests, and headline, followed with an email verification before they sign up for their first match.

After they sign up for their meeting, the user waits until the following Monday before they get matched with someone whom they will meet.




Wait for following week

Wait for following week

Get matched

Get matched

The test we ran

For the test, we added the matching as part of the onboarding flow instead of having the users wait for a week.






Get matched immediately

Get matched immediately

Onboardng intro and AI questions

Before onboarding begins, the user is shown the list of steps so that they can have an expectation for the length of it.

Additional questions are added before the match so that the system can find a good match for the user.

Getting Matched

As part of onboarding, the user gets their first match and is put into the chat room with their match

Launch and learnings

Users did not like to commit to a meeting at the end of the flow.

This was too big of a commitment and too much of an unknown. The user did not get a chance to get to know and trust the product yet.

However, we thought that giving the user a match at the end of an onboarding flow could still be valuable, if not for the commitment piece.